Monday, September 7, 2009

Do we really want people to cut their chins off?

I was at a meeting recently discussing the promotion and career of a talented, sincere and heart felt singer songwriter. The topic came up how the new management team wanted this person to appear much younger, thinner and hipper. I was disheartened when the description of the musician as a “friendly neighbor who plays the guitar” was dismissed and the new image was one where he was to be "tough, hip and cool". The manager, well intentioned, mentioned he spent a lot of time using photoshop on the musician’s photo and cut off his extra chin, making him look years younger, and hardly like himself.

This meeting followed me into this weekend, I was hanging out with a close friend in upstate NY at a little farmhouse with tractors bailing hay, discussing this scenario, wondering if I should talk with this musician about my insights, or leave it alone. While gazing up at the stars, my friend said, “flip it”.

OK, flip it...? What does that mean? He went on to describe the concept, and how flipping things makes you see conventional wisdom, trends in business, you name it, in a new way. I always like to have down to earth examples, so he handed me this one. For example: conventional wisdom is something many of us rely on, we build companies, create relationships, build our goals upon it, but we are only using the information we have gathered from the past. But what happens when we flip that? For example, conventional wisdom tells you in the music business “It is who you know, not what you know” “Be young, sexy, know the right people, name drop, cut your chin off…”

Well I decided to flip that, so “It is not who you know, but what you know…” What is it that I know these days about the music business?... well, the few people who are successful are doing things differently. For example the popularity of Susan Boyle. She has become a huge success just being herself. A middle aged, "unattractive" to societies standards, singer has people already signing up on to buy her new unreleased CD. Susan Boyle's debut album already a bestseller, in this article that came out today, her photo has all her chins included. :)) see photo above

In an article "Susan Boyle Knows something you don't" the author Scott Monty states this:

  • Assumptions can limit your creative output
  • It's okay to take risks
  • Know your audience and connect with them on an emotional level
  • Exceed expectations
  • When we're constantly hit over the head with polished, branded, uber-cool ads, campaigns and come-ons, it's refreshing to see a down-to-earth, humble approach. It gets more attention

  • I am not saying these older "polished, branded, uber-cool" tactics do not work to sell music, they have in the past, but at what cost? And more importantly do we still want to be selling "illusions" to our fans? Sales are beyond dire in the music business. The trend I am seeing, where musicians are actually selling their music, are definitely not selling out themselves or their image, but rather using the new tools we have gained in the past decade (Twitter, Facebook, Online Distribution, etc…) to connect with their fans and are providing the strong need for authenticity so many of us crave today.

    If we were to compare the popularity of “reality TV” today in the TV world to the music world, why would this desire for "reality" not spill over into the music world? Music fans are craving “reality music” and "reality musicians" (especially after a good 20 year stint of force fed Lolli-Pop-songs most of which were not even tasty enough to suck on.)

    Some excellent examples of “reality” music, is the very marketable and forward thinking approach of Imogen Heap. As of today she is one of the top-selling musicians online. Her whole business model was innovative and interactive with her fans. She twitted her whole way through the writing, recording, and process of finishing her album. She asked her fans to listen to her unfinished tunes and share their suggestions, and thoughts. She made an environment where both musician and fans were co-creating the music, therefore making the fans feel a part of the process, and product, because they were.

    Great Article to read on Imogen Heap by one of my favorite music analyst Bob Lefsetz.

    The music world has changed, and yet we are still using old tactics, old strategies which may have won the “war” in the past, but we are engaged in a new frontier. I see musicians coming from a forward thinking place of “this is me, come join me, let's connect, let’s relate, let’s create” as a possible "flip it" model. There is no need for a god-like status for musicians, it is not what people want, or connect with. Religion is going out of fashion, let's take that as a hint.

    I believe there is a new effective model for the music business in a new connected online world. This model is "it is not who you know, but what you know" and how you take into account the use of this knowledge to connect and market an authentic product.

    The big companies, the big labels, the big powers of music with the help of the Internets "Yellow Brick Road", have show us they are no more powerful than a small man hiding behind a curtain. Yet there still seems to be a hiatus of musicians skipping down the yellow brick road hightailing it straight to Oz, forgetting that the cornfields are full of listeners, the forest is alive and ready to connect, and ignoring that those ruby red slippers are just plain tacky.

    I think hanging out in Munchkin Land, might be a better use of your time. But the majority of musicians still brainwashed believe they don’t have a way home, not to mention a heart, the brains or the courage to make it on their own. I know this, cause I was one of them. I skipped all the way to Emerald City, was let in to see the Great Oz. All I have to say is that Munchkin Land is way cooler, but ultimately Kansas is where it is at, cause there truly is no place like "home”.

    "There is no place like home" say it three times and then twit your fans and ask them what they want to hear, forget about pleasing all the “Oscar Zoroaster Phadrig Isaac Norman Henkel Emmannuel Ambroise Diggs” of the world (too many names to drop anyways).

    Friday, June 26, 2009

    I made this video and wrote this song recently and wanted to share it. I am in the process of connecting with the people at "Playing for Change" and hoping to begin to work with them in the near future. Please check out their wonderful and inspiring work here:

    5th day without Internet

    A great exercise to do, is this, go outside or go into a large room and put your hand in front of your face about a foot away. Stare at your palm for 10 seconds, then pull it away and feel the shift. That is the best way I can describe physically and mentally what it has been like to unplug from technology this week. Unfortunately that also meant I had to write this whole thing by hand and later transcribe it. But that feeling when your hand pulls away and your eyes ease into the landscape around you, is profound and important to remember, since so many of us are plugged into technology, like our hand close range, all the time.

    I would have been the first to admit I was a facebook addict, I really was. It got to the point where I was thinking in status updates, and taking pictures specifically for facebook. I was unable to appreciate anything without thinking, oh I should share this on facebook. Whether it was an article I had read, a youtube video, picture of my son... it all seemed to be framed with the need to share. It became so intense with daily connections, that when I deactivated my facebook profile for the first time a few weeks ago, I received text messages from several friends within less than ½ an hour, asking why I had defriended them, did they do something wrong, offend me? I reactivated my facebook less than two hours later. That was my first step in pulling away, and seeing that I was a little immersed, hell who am I kidding? I was in over my head in the online culture that I had originally wanted to objectively research for grad. School.

    I found in the beginning a sense of exhilaration and connection being a part of this online social community, and it was quite a high. I was connecting with old elementary and high school friends, college friends, and even both close and distant relatives. I was blown away that I was able to know what my friends and family were doing on a daily basis. How cool it was to know my best friend from 4th grade, Serena, was sledding with her son today, while my old boyfriend Josh from the 8th grade was surfing in Costa Rica, while my little sister just branded her first cow out on a ranch in Montana. It was hyper-connection and I loved it.

    I was connected on facebook, but I didn't stop there, I was on myspace, my yahoo email, twitter, indaba a music collaboration website and the acid planet music website several times a day, for hours at a time. I loved it so much I would ignore the people in the room sitting right next to me. I loved it so much I was unable to sleep many nights. I loved it so much I would sometimes forget to eat, I would use whole days bouncing from facebook, to myspace to checking my email to collaborating music with people around the world. My life was all in front of me inside a box in my house. That digital box became my world.

    The part that was most alarming to me recently, and why I am “detoxing” from the internet, was when I found myself quickly unable to focus on my school work, my housework, and even my seven year old son. I was feeling tired and stressed out, and starting feeling more disconnected than connected. I know of a few studies that have been done on this type of online addiction and I believe this will eventually become another 12 step like program, like alcoholism and gambling, for our fix it culture. I have not honestly looked to far into scholarly research on online addiction, nor do I feel the need to at this time, plus I am trying to stay offline. But I think sites like facebook that create online additive traits are just a symptom of a larger social epidemic. I cannot say what that would be exactly, but in my humble opinion I would say it has to do with the disconnect of our society which has replaced authenticity with commercialism and unrealistic ideals.

    You see, there was something comforting to me about being connecting daily with others without having to leave my house, being a single mom in a small town can be isolating at times. Being a parent can be isolating, but let's be real here, just being a human in this world can be isolating. It was comforting to know that Fred was having leaky pipes in his bathroom, Shari was stressed out about making her rent, and Lisa's toddler was sick again for the third time this month. It was reality, as real as it can get in the forum of mass media, since there were no cameras, or scripts, just each of us at home on our computer sharing our real world. To me, that was beautiful.

    I am not sure what else I can write at this point and be objective, but I can say since Friday, (it being only Tuesday) that I have already gone through a range of emotions. The first day I unplugged I felt calm, but a little nervous that others would think I was being rude or ignoring them. I even disconnected from my cell phone for the weekend, so that I would not engage in even texting or “accidentally” checking my email. I felt on the second day, I was missing out on something, that my friends would forget about me, and that I would lose “fans” for my music, which I had been promoting online, this was both irrational and irrelevant, not to mention kind of pathetic in retrospect only 3 days later.

    I then went through a bout of resistance and anger, and cursed all those around me who were plugged in, surfing online, talking on their cell phones, grooving out on their ipods, shutting out the real world passing by them. I noticed most of the people walking the streets were talking on their cell phones or texting, all with the same zoned out look on their face. I knew under my rebellious angst I was just feeling envious and missing my own personal technology zone. Like I said I love technology, I crave it. My hand is cramping without it.

    I think one of the reasons being in the zoned out tech world is so appealing, is in that world, we each get to be King. I get to be King. I get to be my own star of the show, whether on facebook or myspace, they both are the perfect stage for a somewhat reclusive, introspective, somewhat antisocial person, as well as for a social butterfly. I get to say what I want, and I can say anything at all. In the tech zone I am in a world of words and with words comes a power, that in a social face to face setting are not always as easy to come up with. It's like having the chance to go back and say every funny, smart, witty, or sarcastic comeback you have ever wanted to say. There is even quick access to spell check, the thesaurus and dictionaries online, not to mention google searches, if you want to be really crafty, intelligent or just look literate. .

    But the goal of my research was originally to see how online communities, particularly music communities have effected musicians and the world of music. I was also looking at online musical collaborations, and how this has changed the ways in which musicians connect and create together. I found that in the process of researching both these questions, I became a member of the culture, I became my research, I lost perspective, and was fully immersed.

    I learned that researching myspace as a way to promote my music, while observing other musicians and how they used this site became a vast and unending territory to explore. See, the world online does not have boundaries. Not in the way that you need a passport and mode of transportation like you do to get from country to country. I could be listening to a musician in Mexico and at the click of my computer mouse I was listening to a musician in Ireland. I think at this point in time myspace has over a million musicians signed on ( I cannot google it for accuracy at this point), I know this forum had indeed changed music, musicians, the world of music, but exactly how, I can not tell you, cause I honestly do not know. I am too close to the scene, I am too close to my research, and this is why I have had to unplug. The movement online is so large, so encompassing, so overwhelming. I started to feel like my research was a cup of water spilled into the Sahara desert, ineffective.

    This slippery slope into total immersion started to happen about half way through my 2rd semester, when I decided to transition into a more personal research model. I was going to be my own test dummy. I was going to experiment with my own research ideas using myself. I knew it would be a somewhat unethical, potentially narcissistic venture, but I was unable to see any other way at the time. I was not particularly comfortable with asking a musician to put there career on the line (literally) for a grad. student's research project. I was pretty much burned out on the idea of ever “making it” as a musician and figured the worst thing that could happen was that I would experience a little public exploitation, potential humiliation but most of all get my thesis done.

    I went ahead and dove full force into the experiment. I first put out to my online communities, facebook in particular that I could make a song up on the spot for any of my “friends” about anything topic they would like. I had a few people take me up on this, while the “rest”(although we never know exactly who watches and doesn't, which is a whole other topic to be further discussed.) watched, as I presented videos of myself singing at home in front of my webcam. It was a lot of fun, and I was able to actually pull off a few good tunes. I also made videos capturing my struggles working on a new song, sharing the process of the creation. I did emotionally let it all hang out, and at times would feel my cheeks burn in the middle of the night, wondering who just watched me, if anyone at all, make a spectacle of myself.

    I decided to be completely open, and put everything about myself out there. I found the musicians I most connected with online so far in my other semesters seemed to be down to earth, approachable, emotionally raw and open about their daily life events. I went ahead and posted pictures of myself posed, candid, heavy makeup to nature girl. I experimented with my image, changing my profile picture often, leaving status updates ranging from deep poetic quotes to the mundane choirs I was doing like the dishes... It didn't matter what I said, but I tried to make it always interesting enough to make people notice. I felt sometimes manipulative, and even exaggerated my where abouts or what I was doing to sound over the top, but never lied. I tried to present an exciting larger than life lifestyle, while remaining true to the reality of my settings. A good example of this is later on in my research I was going down to NYC a lot. My status updates focused on the recording I was doing at Fire Escape Studios. I was staying at my friends, making music in his apartment, which happened to have a kick ass fire escape we would hang out on between recording on his computer. I didn't lie, but rather only presented the “success” of the situation “recording in a studio in NYC”, in the framework of “making it” for a musician.

    Another interesting realization I had in regards to being so open online, is that you will never know exactly who is reading, watching, and observing your every action online. There are privacy settings for sites like facebook, although you still do not know which of your friends are reading your posts unless they comment, or give you a thumbs up. As far as I know myspace is open to all. I decided to first put my facebook profile with no privacy settings at all, and left it open to any facebook member. With no privacy settings on, if you had a facebook account, you could have known all about me. I have no regrets in doing this, although I would never suggest anyone to do this, ever. I believe that in the process of being open and exposed I lost a little of my integrity and some of the mystery I crave in others. I mean come on, when in history ever before could we know things like someone's religion, political affiliation, favorite music, favorite movie, even their birth date, before ever meeting them in person? I suppose in the form of gossip or a mutual friend this did and does still occur, but not at the mass scale today. I am not sure how I feel about this form of “tell-all” connecting just yet, but I do think it is something to take into consideration for further social research.

    The general question these past days on this hyper information age that keeps running through my mind, is whether it is stopping us from real life connections, and connecting with others who are not like us? are we actually suffering because of the ability to pick and choose our “friends” as opposed to in the real world we have less ability to pick and choose who we come into contact with physically, at work, in a store, the supermarket, etc... and they do not have a profile for you to read. I have witnessed people defriend others for not having the same opinion as them online, like the old saying goes “never discuss politics or religion with your friends”... I just don't know if our tolerance has grown better or worse for others unlike us. This is something I personally am looking at, since the majority of my friends online are from the middle class white educated American stock, plus I do not even know most of my neighbors, nor am I involved with my community all that much since I was laid off from my job working for the local public library.

    Like I mentioned before the online social world is a large territory to research, to large to conclude anything that could ever cover all the varying grounds of this new social virtual world. I am starting to believe that just like we have different countries around the world, we have different countries within the digital world. Although we cannot map it out, or make a globe of it yet to spin on our desks, I believe it is a completely separate living breathing world. I have been told by my professors and other grad students that this type of research is so new, that I should narrow it down. I would love to narrow it down, but to what I am not sure yet. One grad.student friend of mine suggested I write my thesis on the music of Sesame Street and how it affected our generation, great idea, but why bother when I have already landed in this new world. I want to fucking yell out, so what if I don't graduate, so what if it takes me years to get a conclusive grasp on this online world. This is where the energy is at, this is new ground to break, and this is where I want to be. I am a digital anthropologist, lost in a virtual world. Yes, it is going to be harder for me to write my papers, and make sense of this chaos, plus there are no longitude studies on the effects of online communities to draw from. I know it is going to be harder for me to write a thesis on a new development in our world. Believe me there are times I wish I had just decided to write my thesis on English Literature, or Classical Music, with my head stuck in books written over the past couple of hundred years, immersed in notating and quoting scholars who paved the path before me. Instead, I have had my head in the computer, searching for scholarly journal articles written in the past month or two on anything to do with online communities, musicians, and technology. Immersing myself like an anthropologist in a new strange world, my research khakis and safari hat replaced with a flat screen and mouse.

    Like I said I am only 5 days out of the digital landscape. I am sure the observations I have made thus far are somewhat skewed and emotionally biased. Some of it may be pretty accurate, although no where near objective.

    A general overview of my research with online communities and music collaboration is comething I am trying to formulate and make sense out of at this point. I experimented in music sharing, posting, promoting, and collaborating all online and feel overall using the internet, and more specifiically online communties highly effective. Using the internet as a tool as a musician who want to gain a wider fan base, connect with other musicians, and even collaborate works. I tried everything from recording a song a day for the week, and heavily promoting it, to fully covering every step of my travels to LA to sing for an independent film and play, with pictures, videos and status updates sharing my journey. I acted like a star, lived like a star, and in some ways fell like a star, luckily.

    I have also had a lot of interesting personal contacts in a world much larger than my own small town. I connected with the founder of one of the largest online music distribution companies, we became good friends and he flew me to Hawaii and LA to hang out with him. I was flown out to LA, later in the semester to sing, which came about from a facebook connection. I also made a great friend and connection after he asked me to collaborate with him musically on facebook. He saw one of my music videos done on my webcam, that was posted on a mutual friends site. He has his own TV show in NYC, is an “independent wall street rebel” (that's what I call him). I have created and recorded over 20 songs with him on the weekends, most of which will be a major part of my final thesis on online collaborations using music and video to create social change.

    I find value in the connections I have made, I am grateful for the way a single mom in a small town can connect with a film producer in LA, a successful online entrepreneur, and a TV anchorman and musician, all while sitting in my living room. That is cool, and a huge thumbs up for social networking sites in my opinion.

    In regards to my own music, I have had over 30,000 views of myspace music site. I have grown and developed my craft of songwriting and improvisational songwriting this year. I have made connections outside just my own town, and local music scene. I have recently connected with a successful producer who wants to record some of those experimental “song a day” songs with me, although I did not meet him online, but rather while sitting at a local park with my guitar working on a new song. I work for a local recording studio now, in an old library building, and the owner works for the Rolling Stones, this was a chance meeting in real life as well. I was in Keith Richards house yesterday, getting a drum kit out of his basement for my job. I would have loved to have had that as a status update on facebook, that would have been so freaking cool. I know, I know... my ego can be hungry and a real show off.. But I feel calm about this today, I have a “peaceful, easy, feeling” about it all, since I know a status update won't change the fact I am doing what I am doing as I am doing it plus my experiences this year have taught me more than I can ever fully describe without writing another separate thesis on perception and attitude.

    Wednesday, February 11, 2009


    So I have been working with a bunch of bedroom musicians all around the planet, late at night, (hence the big bags, large under eye concealer budget and occasional lack of sanity) on this very cool musical collaborative site Indaba music. This site is so exciting and interactive, that I spend many of my nights staying up way too late chatting with musicians around the world, about tracks, our remixes, collaborations, etc...!

    Big reason why I recently went away to the beach with no online access...
    I needed to get away from INDABA and get some SLEEP! :)

    I believe this is probably the coolest and most innovative way to make music online with other musicians today! Many of you know I am researching online music communities with a focus on online music and online collaborative projects, so as you can imagine finding this site was a dream come true.

    Dan Zaccagnino and Matthew Siegel

    Indaba was founded by Dan Zaccagnino, and Matthew Siegel last Feb. 2008, the site is free and already has over a 100, 000 members and counting. Aren't they just too cute? :) Plus I know a lot of us Girl Scouts are happy to be able to gather with more than just our troop to make some music!

    What is Indaba Music?

    Indaba Music is a place to network with other musicians and work in online recording sessions, mixing tracks recorded anywhere in the world.

    As an Indaba member, you can:

    • Create a personal profile, blog, share music and photos
    • Find musicians, get hired, or create virtual bands
    • Mix and edit audio in-browser with online music software
    • Compete in online remix and collaboration contests

    The fact that you can use Indaba recording online software makes this site stand out, since this allows anyone to create and collaborate as long as they have a computer and online access. There is no need to have a recording studio, expensive recording software, or even (I mean this in the best way) any real musical ability.

    I mean Life is a Game... and this Site is all about PLAYING!

    There was just recently a contest on the site to remix the Colbert Report from Comedy Central. Some of the remixes are just so fun and so insane...

    I would suggest you come join us at Indaba Music, if you are willing to have some late night fun remixing and collaborating, or just chatting with some of us music lovers! There are some of us who use the site during the day too.

    This sums up how I feel about this site ... whoo hoo!

    Sunday, December 21, 2008

    A TUBE of YOU

    So I have been thinking a lot about collaboration and what it means, why it's important...
    and why do we do it.

    talking this over with a friend on the phone today,
    he mentioned looking at the history of collaboration...
    such as:

    The Declaration of Independence:

    The Bible:

    and other great collaborative group works.

    I thought wow, great idea...

    and then later thought... Nah!!

    Great idea, but No Thanks!

    I think I better look at the now... leave the past behind baby!

    So I am going to do a random blog on youtube searches tonight
    for songs on youtube that start with 3 words.

    I will have my son choose the words too...

    word one:

    Word two:

    word 3:

    I will post the first 3 songs/videos that appear.

    alright... you ready???

    OK... off to the youtube tab.

    Here is something sweet to listen to while I go prowling the tubes:

    WORD 1: MAMA


    WORD 3: CAN

    okay that was fun.

    If you cannot see the point of this blog then you will never understand what collaboration is...

    we are living it, breathing it, it is what we do everyday, all the time...

    youtube is just a visual of this process.

    Thursday, December 4, 2008

    Digital London Bridges

    My first online Collaboration was in 2002 on, I downloaded a friend's electronic track who lived in London and added some of my vocals to his track. I fell instantly in love with the process of both building a creatively intimate connection with someone I had never met, and more importantly the collaborative bridges that were now possible for musicians to build together despite their location.

    During this time I was a mom of a one year old little boy, working at the recording studio, plus I was a part time student, going for my Bachelor's in Film production, Graphic arts design and Music. So I was busy. Luckily my boss and professor's let me bring my son along for the ride!

    Anyways the point of all this life-history is that I had no real time to make music with others, no time for a band, or even jamming with others. I had little personal time to myself. But with online music collaboration I was able to record at 3am, or during the rare times my son napped. I was able to connect and create with musicians around the world, and record on my own time frame... and what would have mattered just 5 years earlier, living in a remote area with little music scene, didn't seem to matter anymore at all.

    So what I find so beautiful about online collaboration is the potential...

    Yes Potential in it's endless forms...

    I see the vast potential for greater collaborative projects than just me (Loopsydaisy), DJ Fuk in London, his tracks, my voice and a computer at 3am.

    What about getting children around the world to all write a song together?

    What about making a song and video collaboratively with one person from each country in the world?

    What kind of musical contrasts, collisions, and compositions would we hear?

    What could this do to our sense of community? humanity?

    As I ask these questions, I know that these things are already happening right now, my thoughts are not new... So today I went out into the digital playground, and found some of the leading edge examples of online/technology based music and art collaborative (humanitarian) projects.

    I first came across this video:

    I went ahead and checked out the website Playing For Change. "A multimedia movement created to inspire, connect and bring peace to the world through music" If I could join this group of musicians, engineers, producers and filmmakers, I think I would be on my way to enlightenment!! On their blog they discuss their future projects, and the movie they are in the process of making.
    "PLAYING FOR CHANGE is a musical exploration that glides across four continents, revealing a relentless insight of humanity that strives for global unification. It is a story of hope, struggle, perseverance, joy, and celebration. It is a story of human ambition to overcome prejudices, separation, natural hardships, and evil existing in our world today. It’s passion, it’s path, and at times, it’s weapon, is music."
    Although this is not exactly online collaboration, it definitely fit the description of building bridges and connections with the use of technology!

    Thomas Dolby interview on his new project involving the use of renewable energy to record his newest collaborative project on e-sessions. I had recently thought of how cool it would be to record a children's music CD using only solar power... call it "Super Sunshine-Girl" or "Super Green Playground" ;)
    anyways... back to Dolby!
    "Among the musicians involved with online collaboration is synth-pop and music-technology icon Thomas Dolby. This fall Dolby is touring the U.S. and U.K., after which he'll embark on a new album project, recorded totally off the grid — that is, using only renewable energy sources. On it, he plans to use eSession to record remotely with a host of musicians in various locales. Dolby spoke to EM in late August from England, where he'd just finished recording on an eSession project.
    for the rest of the article click here!

    Peter Gabriel, has been involved with collaborative projects involving both music and film making. Gabriel has made numerous collaborative albums with musicians around the world, and has worked as a humanitarian for years as well. There is nothing like mixing the creative world with the humanitarian world, there is such immense power in these two together!

    Gabriel's Witness Project is a powerful example of placing the use of technology in everyday people's hands. The witness project provides free video cameras to people around the world to record their experiences, and then share them to inform and educate. The Mission statement makes this perfectly clear... "video and online technologies to open the eyes of the world to human rights violations."

    I looked into Thomas Dolby's use of esessions, and Peter Gabriel suggests the use of Indaba music, and added a few more I have used to get you started if you are interested in collaborating tonight at 3am!!

    Indaba Music
    eJamming AUDiio

    This trend is definitely going in a fast creative direction, with new collaborative sites and groups popping up daily!! It will definitely be interesting to see what happens over the next couple of years, months and even days with these new projects. I know there are probably a million projects already out there, but I cannot go into all of them today... I really have to eat soon.

    random cute food site, just so drool friendly I had to share it, click on sleepy kitty to see more!!

    I feel as long as we don't lose site of the bigger picture, and use these technological advances and creative options as a way to inspire, improve or contribute to the building of bridges and the making of new creative connections globally, we are headed in the most magnificent direction!!

    Friday, November 21, 2008

    Ethical Net Songcatcher

    "I have to watch what I forgot to say...

    there is only a little time to go for the catch...

    with my net on the net, with music as the flying beauty...

    her wings so easily broken and torn."

    I am trying to understand, and more importantly make sure my research and my online songcatching is ethical. It's been somewhat hard to find a definitive outline, and the emphasis has been on ethical guidelines rather than recipes to this new ethnography.

    I read the Association of Internet Researchers, Ethical decision-making and Internet research document. I read through this and felt somewhat lost, it is definitely something that needs to be read several times...

    if you are bored already feel free to watch
    Tom serenade his hot little kitty Cat!

    So before I went to watch Tom & Jerry myself and can the whole blog idea for the night, I happened upon Georgia's Institute of Technology Ethics guideline for online research, and felt this seemed to at least make some logical sense, for a newbie like me to the field.
    1. You may freely quote and analyze online information without consent if:
      • It is officially, publicly archived.
      • No password is required for archive access.
      • No site policy prohibits it.
      • The topic is not highly sensitive.
    2. For everything else not covered by 1, you typically need consent.
    Well that seems a little too easy... so from what I gather that means I can take almost anything from Myspace and research it without consent. weird. I am going to call my professor tomorrow about that. Please email me if you know anything about this... please!!

    so on to the fun stuff...
    bands and songs with ethics

    BROOKLYN, New York
    Himachal Pradesh meets midwest USA::
    song: Skank Ethics
    "Short, sweet, and hopefully accurate: My name's Dave. When i produce, I call myself "Sharmaji" as it's both part of my last name and a good 'ol punk-rawk middle finger to the concept of caste; if a white-looking guy from NJ can call himself 'sharmaji,' everything's equal." - Sharmaji's Myspace bio

    I dig the tunes, plus he is pretty cute. Is that ethical to say?

    "we are from Serbia, we rock! we need visas ;)"

    Song: Ethics of extermination

    "The whole deal is basically mosh-metal with a shitload of melody and an immense influence of hardcore. In similarity to other bands, Deadrise have their principles and stick to them! Lyrics are mainly punk oriented with a heavy dosage of hatred to any sort of social and political injustice. Pollution, monopolism, any type of chauvinism, any religious fanaticism, along with any form of manipulating the human consciousness and prejudices are what the band opposes and fights against. Basically, without unnecessary ambition, the band exists for the sheer pleasure of its members." -excerpt of bands bio
    These guys really won me over with there quote:
    "we are from Serbia, we rock! we need visas ;)"

    A Fetish for Ethics

    the Influences of this band are better than a bio:
    outer space, ex-girlfriends, hospitals, sticky dance floors, our friends and joy division.

    They are fun, their music is a dorm party at Umass.

    The Ethics
    Ottawa, Ontario

    "One would be hard-pressed to find music more melodic and lyrics more wistful than that of the Ethics. The Ottawa quartet's debut album, Even the Stars, was released late last year. It features six sophisticated , dreamy songs bursting with lush harmonies."- myspace bio

    So if any of you haven't noticed already...
    ethics and cute boy bands seem to go hand in hand.
    I think I am starting to really like Ethics.

    but before I check out...

    I found this.

    their song digital madness is unethical...
    very unethical.
    I like it~